7 Top Tips to Deter Squirrels from Your Home        

    Squirrels can be a very annoying pest in your home and yard. Even if they haven’t found their way into your home yet, there’s probably a good chance that they will at some point. Once a squirrel has gotten into your attic or basement, the squirrel removal process becomes a bit more difficult. Because of [...]

      Do Squirrels Build Nests?         

      Squirrels are a common critter in most parts of Ontario and even North America so you’re likely quite used to seeing them run around your neighbourhood. What you may not know, however, is how they spend their nights, when they aren’t running through the trees and across the road in front of you. Squirrels are [...]

        Burlington & Oakville – The Top 3 Animals Found in Your Attic     

        In the Burlington and Oakville area there are many pests that can create a nuisance in your home and property. These animals will often try to break into your attic, basement or deck space in search of a dark, quiet and safe place to live and have babies. Though there are a number of different [...]

          Why Squirrels Will Have Babies in Your House This Season  

          With spring fast approaching and the warm weather returning we are on the cusp of another seasonal change that you might not have on your radar: squirrel baby season! Spring is the prime time for squirrels to start looking for the perfect place to create a nest for their soon-to-arrive babies and many times, your [...]

            How Do I Know if a Squirrel is in My Attic?          

            Finding out that you have squirrels in your attic is a surprise that most people aren’t excited about. While they might seem like cute and fun animals when you watch them run around your yard, they can actually be quite the nuisance. There are many signs to watch for if you suspect that a squirrel [...]

              Why squirrels and racoons love your attic?

              As the temperatures drop this winter, you may have to worry about pests invading your home. Your attic provides a tempting place for squirrels and raccoons to get comfortable, especially if they have babies coming and they need to build a nest! But why is your attic such a draw for them? Why squirrels & [...]

                Squirrel Baby Season in Ontario – Prepare to Prevent Entry!

                With winter quickly approaching and spring following close behind, it’s nearly time to start protecting your home from squirrels looking for a place to have their babies. For most of the year these pesky critters will look for a warm, dark and safe place to nest, then wreak havoc on your home and yard. Once [...]

                  Squirrels or Raccoons: Which is the bigger nuisance?

                  Squirrels and raccoons are both pests you don’t want in your home. They can be hard to remove, and can create quite a bit of damage in their wake. But which one is actually the bigger nuisance? Read on as we compare! Squirrels vs Raccoons Damage to your home Squirrels: These critters are chewers. From [...]

                    Squirrel Chewing Habits: Their Fun Wreaks Havoc on your Home

                    Those cute little squirrels running around your backyard and playing in your trees might be fun to watch, but they can be pesky critters when they want to be! The most irritating thing about squirrels is their penchant for chewing pretty much anything that gets in their way. Whether it’s wood around your home or [...]

                    Wildlife Removal and Control in Burlington, Oakville, Milton Ontario and Halton Region

                    We're your local wildlife removal services company and near you! Contact us for a fast, FREE QUOTE for the lowest cost prices in Halton Region!

                    Commercial & Residential Pest Control

                    Need animal removal or pest control for your home, multi residential building, or commercial-industrial property? WE can take care of all your needs from rodent proofing, to raccoon, squirrel, skunk, bat, bird or other pest removal.
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